Special Education Coordinator

Alia International Private School


·Overseeing / managing a caseload of special education students and the implementation of their IEPs plans in: inclusive, self-contained and pull-out settings.

·Ensuring appropriate delivery of both special education instruction and related services as stipulated on IEPs plans.

·Ensuring compliance by the school with all local and Federal laws and regulation relating to students with IEPs plans and students referred to special education.

·Ensuring that services provided by contractual personnel are of high quality, provided in the LRE, and are aligned with students’ IEPs plans.

·Effectively communicating to parents and guardians the special education process including process for referrals, evaluations, annual IEPs plans, and re-evaluations as well as parental rights.

·Facilitating IEP meetings using a strengths based and family centered approach

·Coordinating with student’s special education team to ensure all documents are completed in a timely manner meeting. Connect with special education team to ensure all team members (including parents) are prepared for the content of the meeting.

·Coordinating with special education team to complete quarterly IEP progress reports and provide quarterly IEP progress reports to parents/guardians.

·Maintaining student files (paper and electronic) according to school and OSSE standards.

· Providing training and technical assistance to case managers, teachers, related service

·providers and support service professionals on all aspects of cases management: use of computer systems for the special education process, writing of goal writing, progress reports, annual reviews and parent communication.

·Ensuring IEPs are developmentally appropriate, curriculum/standards -based, strength based, and relevant to individual students.

·Working to maintain school and LEA tracking and data system that includes: student information related to IEPs, services, service hours, evaluations, MDT referrals, time lines in which evaluations were competed and discipline incidents.documented academic growth of students with IEPs/. plans.

·Gathering and report data for all reporting requirements concerning students with IEPs/.

·plans and other required reports (to the State, Department of Education, census, grant, applications, annual report, etc.). Examples: Child Count and COSF

·Maintaining a high level of knowledge regarding developing special education issues such as changes in federal and local special education policy.

·Other duties as assigned.

·SALARY & BENEFITS: Salary is based on educational level, certification(s), and years of experience. Employees will be contracted yearly. Contracts will be renewed according to evaluations and staff interest.

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