Cyber Threat Investigator

Job Category:


Ensure compliance with Howmet Aerospace’s Global Information Systems cyber architecture and processes and all supporting tools, technology, and organizational components
Support daily and emergency help chain to business and resource units on the execution of the company’s cybersecurity requirements.
Supports site assessments and threat analyses for Howmet Aerospace’s corporate and site locations.
Assists in knowledge transfer across location and regions
Supports maintenance of ongoing contacts and linkages with outside parties for the purpose of bench-marking cyber architecture, regularly testing both the principles and overarching designs.

Desired Requirements

Must have Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field
A positive attitude and willingness to encourage co-workers.
The ability to set priorities and exercise flexibility where necessary. Being organized, structured and result driven.
Good Time Management skills and organizational skills.

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 5 MB.