Operations Executive

Job Category:

Tadbeer Recruitment

Operations Executive Jobs in Saudi Arabia

Job description:

[Experience in recruitment companies is preferable]

Find new agencies for semi and skilled manpower.
Market survey to check ongoing demands related to skilled manpower
& Come up with ideas to recruit different types of manpower.

Design CVs as per the requirements of the sales team.
Conducting Interviews and help the selection team to select the right candidate.
Handling some of the HR Operations work like dealing with Insurance and will be solely for all the documentations.
Experience using government potrals like Muqeem, MOL, Mudad, Gosi, Enjaz & Musaned.
Experience in Recruitment and HR Operations.

we need a dedicated team member for skilled recruitment (caregiver, baby sitters, etc.) & dedicated to HR Operations to improve the current process.



Experience Required:

2-5 yrs



Emotional Intelligence

Advanced Excel

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